With Springboard and our trusted partners on your side, you can always turn to us for help and advice.
There are certainly plenty of options when it comes to finding advice on financial matters. As a fee-only independent registered investment advisor, Springboard works as your primary provider of consulting and services and engages with other professionals (yours or otherwise) in matters that require greater specialization.
Your Situation is Unique
You and your family have challenges and concerns that are unique. We never apply cookie-cutter approaches to craft financial strategies.
Cost Matters
You deserve to know all the costs involved in running your portfolio. That's why we are committed to a fee-only cost structure, where there are no buried commissions, hidden fees, or lockdown periods.
Life happens.
When the unplanned and unexpected happens, we adjust with you and ensure your strategy is accommodating to your new challenges. Through our multi-layered needs and wants analysis, we can often be prepared when surprises arise.

The Reinvention Years
It's all your own time now. You've earned the freedom to explore life and reinvent who you are. Will it be travel? Volunteerism? Being with the children or grandchildren? Will you continue to work doing what you love? No matter your goals, you should know that your money and income stream are going to be there when you need them. While you're living your life, having a qualified advisor keeping an eye on your future will make your time less worrisome - more enjoyable. Find a comfortable, flexible way to invest while keeping an eye on your taxes and estate.
What To Focus On:
- What are your fixed sources of income?
- How and when do you tap into your tax-advantaged investments?
- Is your estate going to be distributed according to your wishes?
- Do you have a living will and does your family know where it is?
- If you have a long-term care policy, do you know what it covers?
- Have you weighed the pros and cons of when to start taking Social Security?
- Are your assets titled correctly to minimize the probate estate?
- Enjoy life!

The Prime Time Years
The children are getting married, maybe even having their own children. You have time and resources to travel and enjoy your independence. But retirement looms and it's time to get very serious about what the rest of your life will be like. This is no time to make mistakes with your money or "wing it." Having a professionally-crafted plan will provide your family with a plan of action for now, your retirement date, and beyond.
We’ll Ask the Tough Stuff:
- What do you want to do after you stop working?
- What income needs do you have at retirement?
- From where will your income come? In which order do you start to access your accounts?
- Are your estate documents in order?
- Do you feel that you need or want long-term care insurance?
- Understand your role in your parents' later years.
- Do you expect an inheritance? Have you discussed your parents' wishes with them?
- What wishes do you have for care-giving for you and your spouse? Are those wishes known by your whole family?
- Continue to educate your children on proper preparation for their and your grandchildren's futures.

The Wealth Accumulation Years
Your kids are now graduating and they're going out on their own and are becoming independent. Your discretionary income is higher but you may still be called upon to help your children or even your aging parents. You may have a retirement plan balance that you would consider "sizeable" and are wondering how you can tone down the risk but still grow your portfolio. It's now imperative that you have a realistic assessment of your needs vs. wants. Most of us can't have everything, but with the right planning, maybe you can have most of it.
What We’ll Focus On:
- Pre-planning how you want to spend your retirement years and what it will take to get there
- Maximizing retirement strategies
- Protecting your retirement nest egg while still outpacing inflation
- Preparing for the birth of future grandchildren
- Understanding your role in your parents' later years
- Reviewing your tax-sheltered accounts (IRAs, 401(k)s, etc) to ensure that they're positioned properly for your needs
- Educating your children about proper financial planning and preparation
- Keeping both spouses involved and educated

The Nesting Years
Maybe you're starting a new family, your children just got accepted into college, you're starting the climb up the career ladder, or you just bought your first house. The future is a blank slate and there are so many possibilities. Your nesting years are the time to establish the right habits for you and your family. It's important to find the right balance between preparing for your seemingly-distant golden years, your children's' schooling and your home. Today you're building the foundation of your "financial house" and without a solid foundation, a house risks collapsing.
What We’ll Focus On:
- Determining how much to save for each goal
- Maximizing tax strategies everywhere
- Setting the right expectations for yourself and your money
- Protecting what you cannot afford to lose (income, home, etc)
- Finding the right investment strategy
- Putting a plan in place that will be your beacon through all your financial decisions going forward
- Finalizing your will, living will, and other legal documents
- Building a reasonable safety nest